Want to know how to buy Void products?

If you’re looking to purchase Void Acoustics products, we have an extensive global network of distributors and dealers who are ready to answer any questions you might have.

We’ll connect you with your local Void specialist who is on hand to assist you in finding exactly the right audio solution to meet your needs. Our Void family is united worldwide in maintaining our global reputation for sonic and visual innovation. One of the many reasons why we remain a well-respected, sought-after name in the audio industry is the approach we take to supporting our customers.

We carefully invest time into exploring exactly what our customers need, drilling down into the practical, day-to-day elements of how a venue operates, how many people are likely to be entertained there, and what kind of atmosphere will be desirable to the audience, taking into account if it will just be background music playing or if DJ sets and live music also need to be factored into the mix. We think about the logistics within a given space and assess potential challenges that need to be addressed, such as the shape of the room and physical structures that might distort how sound travels.

Extreme acoustical challenges that we have successfully overcome in the past include maintaining consistent sound levels in a large venue with a sunken dancefloor (that originally was designed to be a roller-skating rink) at Stereo Garden, New York. Similarly, we installed the ideal Void system for exceptional sound quality and volume in Studio 338, London.

Here it was essential to contain sound within the venue so it doesn’t infringe on the surrounding residential neighbourhood. Despite the building having an enormous glass ceiling above the main dance floor, we accomplished this impressive feat in sound engineering. Sometimes customers come to us after seeing a product they like the look of and think would be great in their venue.

Selecting audio products in this way isn’t necessarily going to deliver the best sound solution so we make sure that we have meticulously gone through all aspects of their requirements and will advise if there are alternative ways to engineer a room more economically and effectively. We apply the same process to customers enquiring about hiring or using Void sound systems at events, be it for music festivals, educational conferences, or celebrations of worship.

That groundwork getting super-focused on what is fit for purpose is the key to a longstanding, trusted customer relationship with the Void brand. 

Currently, it is possible to buy Void products in over 60 countries and we are continually expanding into new locations. Please use our dealer directory to locate your nearest Void contact.